Chicken Veggie Salad

Hey there! For a month now, I'm being a health buff when it comes to foodies.. I rarely eat rice, I do sometimes for soupy viands. Haha! :D But most of our meals now are veggies, fishes and chicken. No more red meat, coz we're trying to avoid those fatty and high cholesterol food.
Before, the salads that I know how to cook are macaroni and fruit salads. But now, I'm learning a lot of the salad dishes.. And I'm loving it!
I would like to share this recipe to all the health buffs out there and to those who doesn't enjoy the idea of eating "leafy" veggie salad. We had this for dinner last night. Maybe you should try to cook this, and you'd appreciate it as a start.
First, you have to cook 3 pcs of chicken fillet and 4 slices of bacon in a deep skillet, just like frying. You have to cook first the bacon, without any oil because it will be fried by its own "fat". Then set aside bacon and place the chicken fillet you can use the oil produced by the bacon. Then set aside, let it cool down.
For the salad dressing, combine a cup of mayonaise, a dash of worcestershire sauce, 2 stalks of chopped celery, a spoonfull of chopped parsely, 2 spoons of chopped green onions, 2 tablespoons of honey, salt and pepper to taste. Set aside the dressing and chill it in the fridge.
Before frying the chicken fillet, it must be marinated in a spoon of lemon juice, salt and pepper. Cut the cooked chicken into chunks, and crumble the fried bacon. Combine the chicken, bacon and seeded chopped tomatoes. Toss the dressing on the chicken mixture until evenly spread.
Prepare some red and green lettuce, cut into bite-sized pieces. Place it on a large plate, and top it with the chicken salad dressing! Enjoy best when chilled.
There you go.. I hope you would try this one out! Best for dinner! Yumminess! :)

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