many people today experience a lot of complications in their lives. most of those complications is all about love and relationships. some has multiple partners that takes them to the complexity of the word itself.
for me, complicated is just a statement. it can only be complicated if you wont let it clearly understandable to many. being complicated does not mean that you are not simple. it only means that you have a lot to explain.
but sometimes, we dont need to explain it or to elaborate it to a certain extent that we might confuse the audience. there are people that does not have the right to know everything about our life. if we choose to keep it private, then be it. if we choose to tell everything to the world, then shout it!
they say truth hurts. and i agree to a portion of it. but when we say truth, does it have to mean pain? truth is very subjective. i got an opportunity to ask a man, not closely related to me, about why does the truth hurts? he associated it with love, with a significant other. that, if you think your loved one or your partner will get hurt, if she will be able to know the truth about you cheating on her, she will definitely get hurt. but if she does not know, she wont get hurt a bit.
my point to that is, it should not be the truth that hurts, it's the awareness to the truth that hurts.

in my own view to this "truth thing" would be.. just tell the truth, then you will be set free. free from carrying heavy loads and the guilt. it's still best to walk lightly, because you will never miss a thing on your journey.


  1. Whether you're aware of the truth, or know the truth, it still hurts either way.

  2. thanks for your comment girlgeum! but happened in my case. i was'nt aware of the "truth" going on, and because of that, i didnt get hurt. but after knowing the "truth", there goes the pain. depending on how true was the truth, and how long you are holding to tell the "truth". if your keeping it for just a short time, it might hurt someone, but not so hurt. but if you're keeping it for along time, and you dont have any intention to tell it, it will really hurt the concerned person, so much that can be an unbearable pain. so the more you hold the truth, the more it will induce pain to the person you're keeping it. better yet, tell it asap, in a nice and subtle way.

  3. I agree with you, that the longer you hold on to the truth, the greater the pain will be. Some people will handle it in their own way, by denial, not wanting to believe; believing but trying to find distractions in order not to deal with it.

  4. exactly. they do it because of their own purpose. whether they are protecting themselves, or someone else..

  5. But if you tell the truth, all of them will hurt. It is better not to tell the truth and just correct or fix it.

  6. But when people find out the truth, the pain will be greater. Why? Because you knew and you didn't tell them. And worse, if they find out from someone other than you.

    Of course every circumstance is different.


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