have you ever thought about a woman who would like to be in a position of a filler to a man who has already a legal mistress? in short, a woman who would love to be an illegal mistress! there is such a thing.. and i just recently discovered that stupidity.

let me first define the three characters mostly used in this post.

legal miss- a mistress, legally acknowledge by the family, friends and relatives of the man to whom the woman has a relationship with

illegal miss- a mistress, unknown to many, and has a secret relationship with a married man who has already a legal mistress.

man- a complicated, still legally married man, now separated with his lawful wife.

long ago, there was a girl who opted to get involve with a married man, who was actually living with his lawful wife during that time. their relationship became so serious, enough to have a child of their own. the fight within the wife and the mistress was so verbally hurtful to a certain extent, that some nasty things were done even on the internet by both.
but in the end, the mistress won. because the man choose the other woman which is his mistress over his lawful wife. and so their life continues.
the mistress was still in an unstable mind and thinking that they can make it though. their relationship went on and off, but they still managed to patch things up. a lot of goodbyes were done, mostly every month due to the insecurities felt by the woman.
but even so, the woman loved his man so much, that she never thought that her man could be cheating on her.
the woman does'nt know that her man has met another woman, that became his confidante in times of their quarrels and misunderstandings. the woman has become the "illegal mistress". it was unknown to the "legal miss" that during the times that they were apart, her man was already building an intimate relationship with the "illegal miss".
they were always having fun while hanging around with each other, but their relationship was a top secret to all.
the man maintained his relationship with his "illegal miss" because he had not experienced any problems with her in terms of time constraints. the "illegal miss", was such a great follower and believer to the man, that she thought she already knew everything. but she was so wrong.
she was overly confident that the man loved her above all, and would trade anything just to keep her.
the man already felt happiness with her "legal miss", as he observed that she has become more stable with regards to the stability of their relationship. he has found the direction in their relationship as a family, having their child and seeing it growing.
the "illegal miss" noticed it, so she started digging up on her boyfriend's "legal miss". she wants to know what's happening? and why does his man's time for her became shorter and limited. until she finally got what she wants. the details.
the "illegal miss" started to show herself to distract the "legal miss" of his boyfriend. the man still wanted to keep their relationship unknown to many. but truth will always prevail, no matter how hard you hide it. it will come out freshly from the oven.. haha
upon discovering, the "legal miss" immediately broke up with her man. she was very upset, hurt and felt the sudden rush of pain every time she thinks about it. she was terribly shaking that she was not ready to accept it and still thinks that what happened was so unbelievable!
but finally, the man broke down, and made a decision to choose. he choose to be with the woman whom he loved so much. the "legal miss". and now, they are picking up the pieces, and strengthening their team effort to make their relationship work until the end..
how can a woman, who already knew the great complication of the life of that man, and still wanting to have a relationship with him? how stupid she was that she entered that world. really stupid. and now, she's getting what she deserves..
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