RED CLIFF, a review

i was very fortunate to came to see the movie, "RED CLIFF", a John Woo film that is inspired from a Chinese epic. it is a historical drama based on a legendary battle held during the end of Han Dynasty in the 208 A.D.
the story is about the power hungry Prime Minister turned General Cao cao, who has the permission from the Han dynasty Emperor to destroy the two warring kingdoms from the south, and to reign the entire land. General Cao cao was the most powerful armed force leader during his time, having hundreds of thousands of soldiers that will fight under his command.
as Cao cao's forces become more aggressive, the two rival warlords, Liu Bei and Sun Quan decided to form an alliance to make their forces become stonger to fight with the giant General Cao cao. this happened through the great mind of Sun Quan's trusted advisor war hero Zhou Yu.
Zhou Yu played the major role in all the war tactics of the two kingdoms.
the movie shows more of the "art of war" principles, and all the strategies that should be consider and should be made to win in any battle.
some of the strategies used by the alliance was humorous yet effective. the knowledge and wisdom of their war adviser has made them a powerful army not by numbers, but by heart.
it has an overwhelming passion and courage from the war leaders that everyone will get inspired as they watch the movie.
the rebel warlords banded together to mount a heroic campaign unrivalled in history that changes the face of China forever.

the more you know about the art of war and the forces of nature, the most likely you will win in a battle that you think you are out numbered.
4 stars for red cliff!
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