THOR, a review

After a long wait for its release, we have finally seen the Marvel Comics movie, THOR. It seems like people had been hungry for great hollywood movies after the Lenten season that has passed, that's why in Festival Supermall Cinema in Alabang, Thor is shown in four cinemas to accommodate the viewing crowd.

This film stars, Anthony Hopkins ( Odin, King of Asgard ), Chris Hemsworth ( Thor, son of Odin ) and  Natalie Portman ( Jane Foster , a scientist ). The story tells about the great war of the Kingdom of Asgard against the Frost Giants of Jotunheim who wants to conquer the Nine Realms, starting with Earth. But King Odin, does'nt want it to happen and wants to maintain peace, so the Asgarian Warriors defeated the Frost Giants and seize the source of their power: The Casket of Ancient Winters.

As THOR prepares to ascend to the throne of Asgard as King, it was  interrupted when the Frost Giants attempt to retrieve the Casket from them. Thor went to Jotunheim to confront Laufey, the leader of Frost giants on why such a retrieval attempt without permission from his father and against the King's order. Thor asked the help of his dear friends together with his brother Loki, who happens to be his father's adopted son who came from the Frost Giants race without Loki's knowledge as well as everybody else's.

As they went to Jotunheim, a big battle began between the five of them against the numerous Frost Giants. King Odin came to the rescue to intervene and save their lives. The King was so upset for what Thor did, and for his arrogance, Thor was exiled to Earth together with his hammer. But he will only be able to get back his powers if he is already worthy to weild it.

The special effects are awesome in this movie, and you will laugh once in a while on some humorous scenes of Thor when he landed down to Earth. It is a spontenous and exciting movie to watch for all the Marvel heroes advocate out there.

I give 4.5 STARS for this movie! :)


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