PRIEST, a review

It was a back to back movie marathon that we had last weekend, when we both watched the movies Priest and Pirates of The Caribbean on Stranger Tides. Our first pick was the movie, Priest because it's running time is much shorter than the latter.

Priest is a 2011 American supernatural action film starring Paul Bettany as the title character who previously starred on the movie, Legion. The story is about humanity and vampires who have warred for centuries. And after the last Vampire War, the veteran Warrior Priest (Bettany) lives in obscurity with other humans inside one of the Church's walled cities. But his niece was kidnapped by the vampires that made Priest hunt them down to recover his niece, that was then his own daughter.

The journey of the Priest and his daughter's boyfriend began as they discover who was behind the vampire menace. There were revelations and twists in the story that makes it exciting to watch. the special effects are great as well as the stunts made by the characters.

I give 3.5 STARS for this movie! :)


  1. Got it! Tankhs a lot again for helping me out!

  2. IJWTS wow! Why can't I think of tnihgs like that?


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