Since the summer started, i have change my web page to blend with some sands.. ( yeah, summer! ) But then, i find it too fancy and bright so i gave some clicks to put on a "new look" here on my blog. This website became my "online journal" for the past two years and im still getting excited to experiment on its layout. To match in the journal thing, i made it look like a notebook.. simply a journal! Cool, is'nt it?!

Expect more blog posts here more often 'coz i'm always in front of my gadgets. Blogging at home with my Lenovo, blogging remotely through wifi with iPad, or blogging anytime with my BlackBerry. As long as i have time and willingness, i will blog. And there's no stopping now..

I hope to inspire more ordinary people to have their online journal too! You can have it anytime as long as you have the device and the connection.. Learn to blog from WordPress, Blogger or LiveJournal and other blogging sites that will fit you.

Have an awesome life everyone! :)


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