Your December Horoscope by Susan Miller

Capricorn Horoscope for December 2009

By Susan Miller

At the very start of the month, you will be busy getting a project ready to ship out the door. The full moon December 2 will fall in your workaday sector, and team energy from co-workers and underlings will be high. You may not have to do all elements of the project yourself, and if you do have help, everyone will work together quite seamlessly.

This full moon will be in Gemini, the sign of "two," so you may have two projects to finish up or two different clients to please. With Mercury, Gemini's ruler, in hard angle to Saturn, you may be working feverishly to get it all done by the deadline, which appears to be December 2, with a possible extension to Friday December 4, or possibly beyond that, to Sunday December 6, at the very latest.

Make sure all details of your project are polished and in good form, for it appears higher ups will be watching your performance. Gemini is a sign associated with communication, so you may be handing in a report, manuscript, or white paper, or you may give an important speech or consultation. With Saturn at the very top of your chart, you will soon be singled out for more responsibility and a bigger job title, a fact you may have already been told last October or soon will discover at the full moon at end of March. Everything that bears your name needs to be the best it can be, for so much of the future of your career will be riding on your ability to keep the quality of your work high.

Someone who is influential and powerful and found at the higher echelons of your company or industry seems not yet convinced that you can handle the new position that most everyone else have mapped out for you. This Doubting Thomas will be willing to give you the benefit of the doubt, but you have to do your part by putting your best foot forward. This aspect - Saturn in the tenth house - only comes by once every 29 years, and just started. It will be in place until October 2012. You are now in a life-defining period, and the door is being opened for you to prove your worth. You don't want to drop the ball!

The theme of health and well being will also be highlighted this month, too. The work you will be doing during the first week will take a lot out of you, so if you feel a bit tired, pull back and get extra rest afterward. Holiday time is always strenuous, so keep hand sanitizer handy and consider taking vitamins if your doctor agrees it would be a good idea. If you were to see a lowered resistance, it would be within days of December 2.

The pace is going to slow down quite a big when Mars and Mercury to go retrograde later in the month, and the good part of that will be that your schedule will open up a bit. Here's your chance to have certain checkups done before year's end. Have your eyes examined, and cholesterol, hemoglobin, and blood pressure checked. Get your teeth cleaned, and women who have not been checked lately should have a mammogram or pap test. There are many exams that are wise to have done - you know them - so if you haven't done them in a long time, schedule them now.

December will be an important month for you, and yet you won't see the truth of this immediately. Aside from the project that you will finish in December's first week, things will seem quiet. As the Sun moves through your most private and reflective part of your chart (your twelfth house) from December 1 to 21, you may want to retreat from some of the frenzy of social activity. You will have plenty of invitations at month's end, so you won't miss any important romantic moments if you do.

You are nearing birthday month, and you will want to think deeply about how life has been going so far, and decide what changes you need to make in the year ahead. During that phase during the first three weeks of December, all the most important developments will take place within you, not from the outside.

This theme will be reinforced by the new moon December 16, a time when it will be wise to listen to your intuition, even against any facts you are given this month, which won't always be all that reliable.

From December 14 to 16 Uranus will be at hard angles to the Sun and new moon, and not very friendly to Venus, so there will be jarring elements that come into play out of the blue. Career, money, and relationships are all areas that will need special tending, and that's a lot. You'll need to keep your wits about you.

You will need to enlist help from family and friends - or a helper you hire - with shopping, cooking, and other holiday activities. There is a possibility that your sister, brother, cousin, neighbor, or other relative will need you when a crisis hits. This is one year you won't want to leave everything to the last minute, for if you do, you'll be overwhelmed and sinking fast, with not enough time to complete your list. As they say, "It takes a villageÉ" and in your case, it may take a whole nation to complete what you have to do this month.

Money has been on a blinking light since mid-October, and with Mars wild in your eighth house of credit, mortgage, and other funding, you may be seeing your balances on credit cards or loans rise higher than any you have seen in recent years.

This month Mars will be retrograde from December 20 to March 10, so you may be able to pull back a bit. Because Mars is the natural ruler of your solar fourth sector of home and property, your plans to buy, sell, renovate, paint, redecorate, or to attend to a family matter may need to be tabled until after Mars goes direct March 10. That would be a wise idea, and there are other reasons to put off big decisions now.

Mercury will go retrograde in Capricorn from December 26 to January 16, so you'll be dealing with delays and indecisive people. Just laugh when life goes haywire because everyone of every sign will be in the same boat.

Mercury's slowdown will become very apparent as soon as December 9, due to a mathematically significant phase it will reach then, so you need to be done shopping by that time. Shop for electronic items very early in the month, as far from Mercury retrograde as possible - even before December 9 - as Mercury rules moving parts in machines. If you purchase an electronic item later, it may never deliver the pleasure and the promise you once hoped it would, for yourself or your recipient.

One day when financial talks should go exceptionally well for you will be December 10, thanks to the cheerful cooperation of the Sun and Mars. Confidential talks with your banker, broker, or prospective new client should go well. When the topic is money, December 10 will be one of your best days.

Almost as good will be December 17, when you may receive a gift or check, thanks to the kindness of someone who cares about you or loves your work. Venus and Mars will be cooking up a lovely day and you may benefit.

Now let's turn to your private life, for a relationship will be very much on your mind at month's end. Things will go either very right or very wrong at the end of December, and when they do, news will seem to come as quite a surprise.

A full moon lunar eclipse is due on December 31 in your opposite sign of Cancer. Because Cancer is one of the most emotional signs of the zodiac, it is due to be a time of very big news and intense feelings. You may get engaged and be thrilled or suddenly break up and be very sad, for eclipses bring up these sorts of high contrast situations. Eclipses always provide information that clarifies a situation in a flash, and when it comes, it seems to change the whole complexion of the matter.

An unrelated, outside event may occur spontaneously and simultaneously to force you to make a rapid decision. Even if you had no plans to wed or break up, the eclipse may present information that will almost force you to think about what you need to do.

If you were born on December 31, or within five days of this date, you will likely feel the effects of this eclipse strongly. Life will change dramatically within the coming months of your birthday year.

If your birthday falls far from December 31, you may not notice much happening. In your case, you may have already felt the illuminating quality of the eclipses last summer, on July 7 or July 21 when eclipses in Capricorn and Cancer first came by. The Capricorns who likely felt those eclipses in July were those born within five days of January 5 and January 18.

Previous eclipses are usually linked to subsequent ones in the same family of signs, so it may be helpful to think back to what transpired in July to see if there are any correlation to events that happened over the last six months to what occurs now.

For example, if on July 7 or 21 your steady partner started to interview for an important job involving international work overseas, this month your partner may be awarded that job. Suddenly you both may decide to get married sooner than you had planned so that you could start your life together in a foreign country.

That's one example of many possible ways things will play out, but it illustrates how outside events can radically change plans in your personal life. Eclipses really do speed up timetables if the Sun or other planets in your chart are touched in close mathematical degree by the eclipse. This is a lunar eclipse and therefore is a full moon and will bring an end of an era.

Saturn will be in hard angle to Pluto, Venus, and the Sun, so you'll have to accept things with a powerful sense of practicality. That is the only way to go through this eclipse - as sensibly, unemotionally, and practically as possible. Afterward you may find you grew up quite a bit, quite suddenly - it does not matter how old you are, either.

There is some indication - but I am not absolutely sure this will relate to you - that your exciting and growing career prospects have threatened your partner and could be a source of tension. See how this fits. If it doesn't, discard it, but I do feel you will have to spend a great deal more time on your career in the coming three years, and your partner will have to accept that truth. You are in an exceptional period of proving yourself and finally have the chance to fly very high if you do. Hopefully your partner will be confident enough to accept what is happening in your life, and not feel deficient in comparison. In the end, your partner will either be part of the solution or the problem - this month you will see which is the case.

The next eclipse, due January 15, will bring you a fantastic chance to make a fresh start. It's a solar eclipse that will open a new door that will feel exciting and even thrilling.

The universe uses eclipses to get us moving so that we won't get stagnant or too complacent. If left to our own devices, we might never volunteer for change, so the universe sets up conditions so that we do.

An eclipse will bring whatever we need to shake us out of our rut, to see life with new eyes and in the larger picture.

No matter what happens, if you are to experience an ending, you will have to take a message of an eclipse seriously. With an eclipse there will be no chance of going back to the earlier situation because the door will be locked shut. Eclipses speak with finality. Don't even consider losing your dignity by trying to get someone to reconsider his or her decision, in any area of life. Later, after you adjust to changes, you will say you would never want to go back to the past.

One important point: It is never wise to initiate anything on an eclipse. You must RESPOND but not initiate. Keep that in mind. Things don't always work out as anticipated when decisions are made under an eclipse, especially when Mercury and Mars are retrograde. That still doesn't mean you can get the decision reversed or pretend things didn't happen - eclipses give weight and gravitas to all matters that come up then.

Not all eclipses will affect you. For example, this month, the December 31 lunar eclipse will affect those born on that day or within five days of that date. Next month, the January 15 eclipse, arriving as a solar new moon, will open a new path and will affect those readers born within five days on either side of January 15.

Typically, we have four eclipses in a given year but this year we had five in all. They arrived in 2009 on January 26, February 9, July 7, July 21 and the last to come on December 31. The first two eclipses were in the Leo-Aquarius and affected your finances. The ones that arrived in July started a new trend and focused on you, your needs and emotional life, and showed you what you need in a relationship to make you truly happy.

This focus on Capricorn will continue in 2010 with three more eclipses, due on January 15, June 26, and July 11. In 2011, the final two will arrive on January 4 and July 1.

This month's eclipse will affect those Capricorns who are in a close, committed romantic relationship, but if you are not, you may not feel the affects as strongly. This eclipse will test the strength of all close ties, so if you are in a formal business partnership, or have an agent, manager, or other business collaboration, you may find that that alliance is the one to bring revelations.

Single and not dating Capricorns will find that love is a bit unstable, due to the harsh angle of Saturn to Venus. Venus will tour Capricorn from December 25 to January 19, so you will get lots of favor from Venus in time, but not in December.

By early January, Venus will have traveled far enough away from being under Saturn's gaze, so you will be able to have more fun. For this New Year's Eve, lots of people will be on edge, and a small comment, perhaps said innocently (by you or your partner) when under the influence of alcohol, could bring on a major meltdown in your romantic life. You might be best to plan on a quiet, private celebration with your sweetheart if you have one, or with close friends or family. As said, January will bring you all the ways and reasons to celebrate that you could ever wish to see! You will have a Happy New Year - trust in that!


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