as far as i can remember, i was 15 when i had my first "boyfriend"... haha.. i was just second year high school. it was fun though, but i tend to hide it on my parents of course! but it did'nt lasts for a long time.. we only had 2 months.. whew!
on the lighter side, it was kinda cool then, when you have "someone" during the highschool years.. someone who can carry your bag, books etc.. look after you, join you at the canteen, buy you cheap flowers, give you notes of thoughtfullness. yeah.. fun, and kilig. but i think it should end there..
i dont recommend teens to enter in a serious relationship too early.. they might do some wrong decisions in life that they may regret after.. just like me. but whatever decisions i made in the past, it is still a part of my present and my future.. meaning, i cannot change it anymore. it has happened.
i just hope that teens right now, would have a good sense of judgement to be able to guide them in whatever decision they will commit. we all know what is right and what is wrong. but still, we insists what we want. teens, slow down, there's alot of great opportunities out there that life has to offer.. dont miss to enjoy it! ;-)


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