food, service, salary, sex, anything! have you ever been satisfied? well, it's depends on the given situation.. say, you've watched a movie. and that movie have not satisfied you in many ways.. like, the story itself, how the actors played their role, the special effects, the plot of the story, etc.. 
the question would be, can we be satisfied on anything that the satisfaction that we have felt just ended there?
humans are born insatiable.. they always seek for the better. better food, better service, better salary, better sex! and why do you think is that?  maybe because of the things around us.. there are a lot of options and variety to choose from that makes us ask for more. sometimes, we tend to bend ourselves, even if it's beyond our means. and when it happens, the dilemma comes in.
it applies on all aspects in life. and more often, it causes the life "stresses" that we experience everyday. even some of us were unaware that our stresses was brought by the frustrations that we are dealing with because we were not satisfied. and that's the reason why a lot of people lives with a complicated life..
i have observed from all the social network groups, such as friendster, facebook, et all, there's always an option,  "it's complicated"  on the relationship status of the member. and why do you think is that?
because they already know the situation that most of us are in.. a complicated life, and gets more and more complex as the day passes.
now, can we live a little more simpler?


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