GOOGLE Plus: The New Era of Social Media

Google+ has been creating a big buzz in the social networking site industry. It's giving more curiosity to all especially to the "tech people" who has been reviewing every social networking sites's features and uses.

Google+ is a social networking service, operated by Google Inc. that was launched last June 11, 2011 and still on its "invite-only" testing phase. The following day, existing members were allowed to invite friends through mail, which must be above 18 years of age, who can also create their own accounts. However, this was quickly suspended in a day after there was "insane demand" for accounts.

Google+ will be built as a layer that not only integrates different Google social services, such as Google Profiles and Google Buzz, but also introduces many new features including Circles, Hangouts, Sparks and Huddles. There are a lot of exciting networking features and services here that will enjoy and be benefited from by its users.

Google+ will also be available as a desktop application and as an application on Android and iOS operating systems. This is also the biggest attempt of Google to rival social networking site, Facebook which had over three quarters of a billion users in 2011.

I was fortunate to receive an invite from my sister, which i was able to sign-up immediately and flawlessly. I was so excited to have an account on Google+ and to be one of the few people to have the privelege to enjoy its cool features and applications. This is also the reason why Facebook launched their video chat, to counter part the "hangout" feature of Google+, their own video chatting service.


CIRCLES- enables users to organize contacts into groups for sharing, across various Google products and services. Although other users can view a list of people in a user's collection of circles, they cannot view the names of those circles. The privacy settings also allows users to hide the users in their circles as well as who has them in their circle. Organization is done through a drag-and-drop interface. This system replaces the typical friends list function used by sites such as Facebook

HUDDLE- is a feature available to Android, iPhone, and SMS devices for communicating through instant messaging within circles.

HANGOUT- are places used to facilitate group video chat (with a maximum of 10 people participating in a single Hangout at any point of time). However, anyone on the web could potentially join the 'Hangout' if they happen to possess the unique URL of the Hangout

INSTANT UPLOAD- is specific to Android mobile devices; it stores photos or video in a private album for sharing later.

SPARKS- is a front-end to Google Search, enabling user to identify topics they might be interested in sharing with others; "featured interests" sparks are also available, based on topics others globally are finding interesting.

STREAMS- users see updates from those in their circles, updates similar to Facebook's news feed. The input box allows users to enter a status update or use icons to upload and share photo and videos.

I think Google+ is a combination of Twitter and Facebook rolled into one, and even more! I even want to have an Android phone for this because the application is only available on Android powered phones for now, but soon to have an iOS app.

As an early Google+ user, i notice that the "streams" are all very informative, unlike in Facebook and Twitter that even the most nonsense things are being posted. Well, it can happen to Google+ later on, but what i like about it is that you can choose the "circles" that you would want to see your "streams" on theirs, and also the "streams" of the "cirles" that you would only want to see on yours! Very organized and discreet. Other members may follow you, but it's your choice if you want to follow them too!

I am really really impressed with Google+! Things are getting so cool there. If Google+ comes into "full throttle", it's gonna be crazy! This is really a big threat to Facebook.

Google+ is a very promising social media service that gives its members the best of both worlds! I can't wait to see everyone using it! :) :) :)

If you already have a G+ account, here's my mine! check it out, and add me to your circles! :)


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