THE FRENCH CORNER, a fine dine experience

One of the few fine dine restaurants that i have been to is THE FRENCH CORNER. From the name itself, it caters most of the French cuisine that are famous with breads and salads. It is one of the coziest to dine in the Alabang area, which is located inside the posh place of Westgate Center along the Filinvest community.

I was amazed by their accommodations, starting from the parking area, where the staff opens the car door for you as you go out from the car. Then, they escorts the guests to their elegant table, with a very fine setting. The ambiance is totally serene, with warm lights that makes your dinner a lovely one.

The experience has given me such pride of being one of the "elites", even if im not one of them.. well, that's just for a night! haha! As their courtesy food, there is a basket of assorted "french breads" in every table, which i find quite hard to bite.. haha.. but even so, i managed to eat the whole piece of it with the help of butter on the side, and a spicy dressing to compliment. Before the dinner started, we toned down with a glass of 2005 white wine, which i did'nt try to find out its brand.. all i know is that, it made me feel relaxed, which left all my tensions set aside.

I ordered the salad panache with grilled prawn, vegetable, pomelo, grapes in creamy balsamic and sesame dressing, which i really enjoyed eating. All of the veggies were crunchy and fresh, and the dressing made the salad tasted at its best. I was'nt able to check the food that my companions have ordered.. but it's so good to look at.. steak and grilled chicken, but i dont know what's the actual name for that set.. We were eating while drinking the white wiine, which i think i had 4-5 standard glasses of it, which made me a little bit tipsy as we went home..

The experience was unforgettable and incredible! I did'nt have a chance to see the bill, but i think it's around P7,000.00 for a group of three persons.. Whew! Glad that i was'nt the "bill payer"! But all in all, that was the most wonderful dinner i have ever had so far.. coz any great food that you ate for free, is the best! :)


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