mama, mom, nanay, inay.. whatever name we wanted to call them, they are all the same kind.. they are our mother. when all of us were still at our tender age, we were just kids waiting for our mother to cook our food, tuck us in bed, and do most of the things for us.

in most of us, "mama" was our first word to say when we were just babies.. i guess we dont have to wonder why, primarily because, all of us children came out from our mother's womb. and the very first heart beat that we had, was inside our dearest mother. she was there during our "dependent times".. and when we reached the point that we think we can make it on our own, she's still there to support us, and pick us every time we fall. she never misses to care about our feelings, our problems, and who always wants us to be happy to see the beauty of being a child.
i remember when my mama told me, "when you will have a child in the future, when you become a mother of your own, you will understand me." well, what she has told me was very true, and all the parents would agree. i realized that it was a tough job for her to be a mother to us.. i was not even on the half of her motherhood, but i am experiencing how hard it is to be a mom, but on the other hand, it is more rewarding and joyful to be a mother..  to raise your kids, seeing them happy and innocent yet fragile.. the completeness of being a woman could not be attained unless she becomes a mother of her own.. yes, it is true.

we all have to celebrate being a child, and being a mother.. love your mom and be grateful that she's one of our beloved parents, who never gets tired of protecting us, loving us, and accepting us. they are gifts from God, as well as our children making our stay in this world worth living.. :)



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