Life is’nt perfect.. and that’s a cliché. All of us, mature people, have already experienced loving someone, not related to us by blood. We all fall in love.. and sometimes, much to our regret, really fell in love and got failed in keeping it.

Love brings us joy and happiness.. and even gives us the “life” that we have dreamed about. But sometimes, the love that we thought was not the reality.. it’s untrue, and deceitful. We end up crying all day and even extending it till night just to get over the pain and suffering that we are experiencing. And the sad part, it does’nt just end there. It becomes a “battle”. You were trying to fight something inside your system which we think is unbearable. And in the long run, it becomes malignant. That’s why some people cannot handle it anymore, to the extent that they become suicidal. Whew! That’s scary, but statistics shows!

So why do you feel pain every now and then? Because you’re still healing.. just like a wound, literally.. sometimes you think your wound is already healing. But when it strikes into something that will trigger it to open, you can see there’s still blood inside. It’s healed on the outside, but still healing on the inside.

They say that it’s better to get wounded physically because the hurt that you will be feeling wont stay for a long time. It can be healed by a medicine and the pain can be numbed by an anesthesia. But the wound of a heart broken cannot be healed by a medicine and cannot be numbed by an anesthesia.. if it can be, i guess drugstores would have a long queue of customers  buying those medicines!

It’s hard.. really hard and way too hard to mend a broken heart. It cuts like a knife, it’s true. But what can we do to at least lessen the pain? On the first hour, we really can’t do anything about it. It’s there, crushing your bones, and pounding a big force on your heart like you cannot breathe the air around you. It’s an emotional torture.

But after that, you need to step back, just one step. Then take a deep breath, feel the air around you, to gain calmness. Then think of your position. Where are you? Are you in a place where you can have a peaceful mind to think properly? If you’re not, then find a place close to that area. Collect yourself, then relax for a while. Then, when you think that you can already control whatever you are feeling at the moment, you may start calling your friends to confide everything that you would like to share with them. Or maybe, just your closest friend. And even a close relative from your family. Someone you can talk to, that will just listen to your grievances and feelings.

After saying your piece with them, you may ask for their advices and opinions about what happened. With this, the burden that you are carrying will be lessen, knowing that your family and friends are there to support you. Talk to them more often to discuss your emotional status. At least they would know what would be the best treatment that they could give to you.

Being with your friends or family, you can do a lot of activities that will deviate your attention from your “heart problem.”  You may try a new sports, or if you’re not, try to get into sports, something that will occupy your idle time so you wont have time to think about being  a heart broken. Go out and meet new people! You’ll never know, the “cure” might just be out there waiting for you.

You need to keep yourself busy, and just focus your attention into something that will benefit you in a positive way.  Think of the things that you still have. Treasure it, be thankful for it, and grow more with it. It can be your work, or your business that can make yourself a little more busy than the usual. It’s not the end of the world, anyway!

Then as time passes by, you would never know that you are already moving on.. and moving forward. You can now just smile about even the tiniest hurt that you’ve felt during your “ trying to get over” days.

And when you think that you’re ready to fall in love again, take some precautionary measures. You are now a better person, much a better lover. Love makes the world go round, it's the start of everything in this planet. Don’t get tired of loving.. It’s the happiest thing to do, to love. (^,^)


  1. Hi

    I agree with you. Life must go on. Keep focusing on other things, concentrate on your work and business. Love will come along the way. You will not notice love is with you and yourself.

  2. [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Rowena A. Blanquera, Rowena A. Blanquera. Rowena A. Blanquera said: my latest blog on " all about love " category..pieces of advice from the expert http://rowenablanquera.com/2010/01/05/heart-broken-dilemma/ [...]


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