Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

Your November Horoscope by Susan Miller

Capricorn Horoscope for November 2009

By Susan Miller

You are now in a very critical phase, for Saturn has entered Libra for the first time since late 1980 to mid-1983. This teacher-taskmaster planet will remain in your lofty house of career honors and achievement until October 2012, with a brief exception of April 7 through July 21, 2010, when Saturn will back into Virgo, the place it's been over the past two years. Those 14 weeks will fly by, but they will give you a chance to perfect your strategy.

For the aggregate of the time, your thinking will be centered on your career reputation and the contribution you will make to your industry over the next three years. Capricorn is considered one sign most intent on getting ahead, so this is truly the moment you've awaited. Saturn's presence suggests that you'll aim for a high profile position that some VIPs will not be completely sure you will be ready to fill. Your job is to show you are eager and able to learn, and because you stay focused, are a quick study. You won't have much time to get ready, so it looks like you'll have on the job training. Saturn often requires sacrifice, so you will have to put in long hours, and you won't see the fullness of the rewards until late 2012.

The interesting part about Saturn crossing the very top of your chart, as you have now, is that you may decide to undergo a radical career change. The very presence of Saturn indicates that the wind is shifting, but you will not feel the fallout in an abrupt way. Rather, the change will be gradual, for that is how Saturn likes to work. This teacher-taskmaster planet will always ask that you study, grow, learn, and reach new standards. You will need to stop using old formulas to solve present day challenges, for you'll soon find they don't work anymore. Not to worry though, as there will be others around you to help you walk across the transom to a completely new place.

You may start a new business on your off hours that will grow significantly in the years ahead and allow you to quit your present job. Or, changes in your industry may force you to evolve to correspond to the needs of the marketplace, and in a few years you may be doing a different type of job within your area of expertise.

If you need more training or education, look into that, for now that Saturn is out of your ninth house, you may get a scholarship or financial aid that will make going very possible. This is true even if you have investigated before and were disappointed. Investigate your educational options this month, as Mercury will be in a very loving and helpful position, and Mercury rules your main house of higher education.

At first you may deny that anything is afoot in your career, or if you see shifts, bemoan the changes. That's normal. Then, however, you will step with the program because Saturn won't give you much of a choice. Certain doors will close, but new ones will open. Saturn likes to twist our arm until we say, "OK, OK, I will try a different method! I see the old ways are over!" As my mother used to say, "Man learns through pain." Ha, ha, we do learn that way best - and fast!

When Saturn comes by with his tough love tactics, we will do anything to get Saturn to stop pounding us. Admittedly, this planet may use extreme tactics, but they are effective. Getting people to change isn't easy, but remarkably after Saturn comes by, the vast majority of us start to see the idea of survival of the fittest in action. Those who are flexible and quick see when change is the only option.

The minute you try something new, Saturn will reward you, and that will be true even if you don't come up with the right answer the first time. Saturn will want to encourage you, and simply by diverting from the tried and true methods - the ones that are a bit old and worn out - you will see you are "getting warmer." As I wrote a few months ago, the sooner you adopt an experimental attitude, the sooner you will ease comfortably into your new role. Don't worry about this - when Saturn comes by, the gains you make stay with you forever. So while you may enter into this kicking and screaming, later you may laugh about your experience and admit that although Saturn made you go through a few tests, it was only for good!

Not every Capricorn will feel changes immediately. Those born near December 21-25 will feel them first, but remember that Saturn works in a gradual way.

Now that I have covered a very long-range trend, let's turn back to this month. While you let Saturn settle into his new house in your chart, you will have other, sweeter, things in life to keep you occupied.

As you begin the month, the full moon on November 2 should be a pure delight, for this full moon will fall in the sensuous sign of Taurus and tenderly light your fifth house of true love. If you haven't met someone special yet, this magnificent full moon may be your moment when it happens, so be sure to circulate, even if you are a little doubtful that you'd meet anyone new. If you are attached, then this full moon will allow you to enjoy life more, most likely with your one-and-only partner. Of course a full moon always brings things to culmination, so if your partner has something to say, you'll know it now, but let's think positively. It does look like you'll enjoy early November.

All full moons have a wide area of influence, so you may already have had a thrilling moment over the weekend of October 31-November 1, or you may be looking ahead to your night of a million twinkling stars on November 5 or 6. (It is possible it may come as late as November 7, but it seems doubtful that this event would come that late in the week.) You seem concerned about the money, but hopefully you were (or will be) able to cut a few corners to enjoy this social phase that seems destined to come.

If your birthday falls on December 31 or within five days of this date, you will just love this full moon. Let me assure you, however, that every Capricorn will have something special to enjoy this weekend.

There are two other possible outcomes from this full moon. First, if you are an actor, work in a creative field, or if you have a creative hobby, you appear to be finishing up that project. Perhaps you will now be ready to show it to the world. If you are working on a creative idea, money may again come into play. You may have to change your creative plan a bit if costs have mounted too high - see how things play out.

The other possibility at this full moon may be that you talk about having a baby and make a solid plan to do so, or that you are already pregnant and due any moment. Babies tend to come on full moons, so hopefully you have your bags packed!

Matters involving pregnancy, birth, adoption, or the care for children you already have could be top of mind on November 2. The stork may be visiting soon! If you have children, you may be thinking about one child in particular. Perhaps your child will make you proud or that you will do something special for your child, such as find the right school or tutor for him, or help your child complete a fascinating, but complicated homework project.

Travel is also indicated now, and as a matter of fact, you may take a long trip on Tuesday, November 10, or over the weekend of November 13-14. Any of these days would be perfect for a little jaunt and it doesn't matter if you go for business or pleasure. It does seem your trip will be one that won't take you too far, but no matter. The Sun and Uranus will be acting like loving little relatives to remind you that you've been working too hard and need a refreshing change of scene. November 10, 13, and 14 each deserve a gold star for travel and also for your superb ability to communicate clearly and in an original way.

You will be back to socializing mode just after the new moon in Scorpio in your eleventh house of hopes and wishes on November 16. This is a gorgeous new moon, and it will help you sit back, laugh, exchange a few jokes, and connect with friends. Venus will be touring this house, making for silky smooth encounters, and the events you attend are likely to be "A list" happenings populated with attractive, stylish people that will generate lots of conversation in the air. You might mix business into these events, for a new moon in Scorpio is about money - and your networking may help you make more.

You will have two weeks in which to take full advantage of this new moon November 16, but why not start immediately? In your travels around, you may make a new friend. You might even make a new friend online, as Uranus, the planet associated with electricity and the digital age, will send this new moon and Sun a powerful, friendly golden beam from your third house of communication. You might also join an online community, perhaps one that centers on a topic dear to your heart, and learn quite a bit in the process. If you want to join a new club, this is the time to do so.

If you were born on January 15 plus or minus five days, you will reap the biggest benefits from this new moon November 16.

Financially, you seem to have entered a high spending phase, where you will be spending quite a bit of money over several months. If you are not spending, then you may be negotiating a financial deal that will take some time to settle, such as the division of property in a divorce or a big business deal.

Still, when it comes to money, things will look up in November. Last month, on October 13, Jupiter, the good fortune planet, moved forward in your earned income sector, after having been retrograde since June 15. If you feel that the past months haven't been great for your finances, that would be understandable, but things are changing.

Even if you were happy with your income lately, you are about to see a chance to bring in more cash. One of your best days of the month will be November 27-29, when Mercury and Jupiter will be beautifully in sync. Your luck may arrive in the form of a check, but it may alternatively show up in the form of a wonderful bargain or the ability to buy something expensive below retail.

Speaking of shopping, Mercury will retrograde from December 26 to January 16, but you will see things begin to go slow down in an annoying way as soon as December 9. Do your holiday shopping this month, and finish up no later than the date stated, December 9. Retailers will keep stocks low this year, so you may find the perfect gift item only to be told it is completely sold out. You may encounter problems with shipping too, if you wait, so wouldn't you rather put the funds into the gift itself? This year is not like prior years, so shop early!

Some of the sweetest days of the month will occur in the last week. On Tuesday, November 24, you will have an outstanding day to seal a plan or promise to someone. Any action you take on November 25 will have long range potential. Saturn, your ruler, will be in gorgeous angle to the Sun, so it will be a very fortunate day. Use it to your advantage. You might sign papers on this day too, and it would be a fine idea.

Wednesday, November 25, will brings Venus in Scorpio into perfect angle to Uranus in Pisces, a lovely aspect for a lively time with friends, and also for taking a little trip not too far from home. If single, you may flirt with someone new - and be happy to discover that you both want to see one another again. This will be a sexy evening, and with the moon in Pisces, it would have a touch of poetry, too.

In the United States, Thanksgiving falls on November 26, and happily, Mercury, planet of travel, will be in a perfect angle to Mars, planet of action, making it an ideal day to visit family or friends.

Even if you aren't in the US and celebrating Turkey Day, this should be a very positive day to be on the road. One day when travel is not indicated, however, will be Monday, November 30, when Uranus is at odds with Mercury - go earlier, go later, but not on this day. This is not the day to shop, barter, or to negotiate deals either.

You've got a busy month, dear Capricorn! It's a solidly social month, even more so than December will be, so have fun!

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