2012 MOVIE, a review

i have'nt had much time to create a review on the 2012 movie for the past few days, although i have managed to watch it on the big screen last friday, during its opening day. i was just busy with a lot of things.. but i think it's not too late to post a review, right?

well, i personally liked the movie because i really enjoyed all the scenes especially the "running away from the disaster" scenes which i feel like i'm in a roller coaster ride. on its opening day, the movie house of waltermart calamba was jampacked, and oviously all of the cinemas showing the movie 2012.

even the center aisle of the theatre was filled with extra monoblock chairs to accomodate the moviegoers who were very excited to see the movie. everybody were shouting and yelling as if they were having a roller coaster ride, just like me. even after the 1st day of showing, that was saturday, all the malls that we've been visited had a long qeue on their theatres. most of the malls were showing more than two cinemas on the 2012 movie alone. so, the demand was big to accomodate everyone. i was really amazed by the cinematic effect of the movie, it was awesomely executed in a scary way.

generally, 2012 movie is a modern day "noah's ark". so let us learn from the movie itself that we have to do our part in saving our world from destruction. although we don't know when will be the "end of days", atleast now, we are aware that it could possibly come soon.




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  1. 2012 Movie reivew http://www.twi10.com/Movies/11/2012.aspx

  2. Read movie reviews
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  3. And another review of this movie :)


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