Compatibility In Relationships

It's been years since I blog about "love issues".. Oh well, it seems like I am no longer "inspired" to write some controversial stuff about relationships. I think I have grown myself from those "dramas" in life. Just to keep the category updated, I will pinch a part of my brain to share my thoughts, this time about compatibility. This applies to all types of relationships existing in this world, both moral and immoral.
I was born a Capricorn. To quote some of the traits of a Cap;
Good Traits
Practical and Prudent. Ambitious and Disciplined. Patient and Careful. Humorous and Reserved.
On The Dark Side
Pessimistic and Fatalistic. Miserly and Grudging.
I couldn't agree more to these characteristics. I know, it may not exactly as it is but I am close to that. We were all born with a certain character that nobody else can change. That's why, an individual doesn't get along with anyone every time. Relationships are trial and error. We meet, we connect, we get along and sometimes we part ways. There are forces that drives us in and out of a person with regards to the character built within us. I may not be a Psychologist per se, but I can understand why we cannot have a "relationship" to everyone we meet in life. They say "friends come and go.." I can attest to that. I have met, gained and lost friends through the years and yet I feel that it doesn't have a great impact at all.

There are people who can't live without friends. But, how do you define a "friend"? I admit, I don't have friends. Yes, I can say that. Simply because I have a different definition of what a "FRIEND" really is. Acquaintances, I had a lot of them ever since.
Would you believe that your friends right now can be your worst enemies in just a blink of an eye? There are a lot of hypocrite friends surrounding each and everyone of us. You just need to be good enough to sense them early before they can bite you. I suggests, that do not attach yourself to anybody unless you have proven that you are completely "compatible" with them.
I believe that compatibility is the key to any kind of relationships. You would easily recognize that at the beginning of the relationship. And once you notice that you don't get along with that person, never get too close to avoid some clashes that may occur in the future. Better yet, reserve your personal details and just keep it to yourself so it cannot be used against you just in case.
It's never wrong to be friendly to everyone. But, you should choose your relationships, whatever kind it is.


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