My favorite meal of the day is breakfast. Whenever i have a great breakfast, my whole day would be great too. Who does'nt want a hot chocolate drink in the morning? I love hot choco's! And my recently favorite is the Swiss Miss Milk Chocolate. It comes with a value pack, that you can just put over a hot water or milk.

This value pack box has 16 sachets that costs around 140 bucks. Not bad for a super delicious hot chocolate! It also comes on different variants; Marshmallow Lovers, Dark Chocolate Sensation, French Vanilla, No Sugar Added and Fat Free.

Of course, my favorite wheat bread filling? chocolate again! And that would be Nutella Hazelnut Cocoa spread.. Really perfect on any bread and biscuits as well. The 220-gram jar costs about 200 bucks, but you wont be disappointed with the nutty cocoa taste!

Enjoy breakfast! :)


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